Monday, December 26, 2005

A 'Psychopath's' Thoughts

According to a psych test (the reliability of which, I doubt. Enk.. ) forwarded to me through text by a friend, I'm a psychopath (WordWeb says that a psychopath is someone with a sociopathic personality; a person with an antisocial personality disorder). Frightening, eh? The text I received contained the following scenario: While a girl was in the funeral of her own mother, she saw a guy whom she fell in love with right then and there. For her, he was very much like her dreamboy. A few days later, the girl killed her own sister. What was her motive? I answered the question correctly - that the girl thought that she would see the guy she loved in her sister's funeral. I was, of course, happy with my correct deduction. I was even thinking that my childhood-to-the-present devotion to Sherlock Holmes paid off with this. However, the evaluation of the answer I gave said the that whoever answers the query correctly is a psychopath! It even said that the riddle was devised by a famous American psychologist, and that many serial killers gave the answer I gave. Goodness! It then appears that it would have been better if one gave an incorrect answer. Oh well. As I have said earlier (as a defense mech perhaps. Haha.. =p), I doubt the evaluation of the test because it seems like something that screens people who have deductive powers. Haha. =p Sorry, it's just that I cannot believe that I'm a psycopath or a budding one in the least.

Try to peek at my insights listed below, and with your own faculties, assess if they are psychopathic:

*My closest tita named her little cute bear Tiny for the reason that it is (drum roll please...) maliit. But to think, tiny isn't really the appropriate term for something like a bear. You would never say, "Oh! There's a tiny bear!". Small would have been more fitting! Nonetheless, on the second thought, a bear named Small (or Smally - pronounced as 'smoli') isn't really appealing. I guess my tita just have to stick with her oh-so-small bear's name - Tiny. Haha. =p

*What should be done with guys who karir you when in fact they already have girlfriends? Simple. They should be tried in court.

See! I'm not really a psychopath. I'm a sociable, diplomatic and peace-loving girl. =p But I am no angel.

Share: Whenever I remember a contestant in Wowowee say, "Salamat sa mga TFC screwdrivers (instead of 'subscribers')," I really find it hard to stifle a laugh. Haha. =p


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